Saturday, August 2, 2008

We've Come Full Circle

Hey there! It has been way too long since I blogged last but I didn't really have great Internet access at my sister's home in Muncie , IN so I just opted not to stress and enjoy my time and write when we got home.
From my sister's home in IN it is a good 18 hours drive back to my home in Colorado. I obviously decided to get a hotel room half way since I was the only driver and I would like for my kids to see their next birthdays. They are good travelers for the most part but a few hours of my daughter speaking 'toddler' with no one figuring out what she truly wants, my teenager giving me a play by play of what's happening on his PSP college football game and my tween making fun of the Elmo movie that's been playing for hours on end- I think stopping half way, having a nice dinner and swimming at a hotel seemed like the best chance for their safety.
We stopped in Topeka, Kansas at the Holiday Inn. Wouldn't you know it they were having a marriage retreat there for couples from Fort Riley for soldiers and their spouses who were about to endure a deployment. Go figure. Good for them, however. I wish we could have had a weekend of therapy and babysitting before he left! But, I didn't let my mind settle on that because all 3 kids were about to pee their pants after seeing the gigantic twisty-turney water slide in the middle of the hotel. They couldn't get changed and get there fast enough! We ate dinner, reluctantly, and then spent two hours playing in the pool. I didn't think T-monkey was even going to get in with no baby pool but by the time we were all done, she was jumping in without holding my fingers. Dang it.

Football & Soccer enjoying the slide...

T-Monkey the first time she jumped in by herself!
We left Topeka this a.m. with a temperature of 104 and 100% humidity. Nice. Brings back memories of living in Kansas the last two years and almost re-living the Louisiana's way to hot and gross there to even mention. The long and boring 8 hour drive on I-70 through the rest of Kansas is enough to make you want to drink in the middle of the day but we finally made it to Colorado and stopped at a gift shop/travel plaza to walk around and grab a quick bite before driving the last hour home. I realized after going in it was the same place my soldier and I had stopped after finding a home in February to buy the kids a CO keepsake to get them excited for our new home. That brought a sweet memory! T-Monkey made herself at home with a huge bear right in the middle of the store and a sign behind it that says " Hug Me, Colorado Welcomes You!"....... I love this place.

T-Monkey and the best Teddy Bear she's ever laid eyes on.
So, now we're home and we're rested and we'll have to adjust to the altitude and time change all over again. But, really, it was all worth it to visit with family and have the last two weeks just fly by!
We have 3 and a half weeks under our belts now- can you believe it?!


Tami said...

My hubby was stationed at Fort Riley. Wouldn't it be nice if they did things like that even when there wasn't a deployment in the near future??

I'm glad you made it home safe and enjoyed you family time!!

jezebelsk said...

Glad you had a nice trip home. You should have waved as you went through Kansas City! I can't believe you took the Kansas route. Western Kansas is so desolate!!! Especially summertime - humidity and crazy hot temps. Bet your are glad to be back in Colorado.

Laura Marchant said...

Happy you are back from your trip!
Those pics so made me want to go swimming right now!

Anonymous said...

I really admire you for taking such a long trip when you are the only driver! Good for you.

sscrunner said...

Glad you made it home safe and you all enjoyed yourself. I give you so much credit for that drive, but I know it was all worth it for all of you. I hope the next three weeks fly by and the months to come. The boys will be starting school soon and then you will be busy with all that. Loved you pictures and love the picture Beth posted of T-monkey...Those curls are so adorable....