Wednesday, August 6, 2008

To Vent and To Ramble

Ok- so this week is a hustle and bustle kind of week with orientations- my boys and mine- and the start of football practice and, well you know the deal.

So upon going to orientation for Soccer they discovered he didn't have a TB test on his records anywhere and it was, of course, required. I'm sure some military medic somewhere along the way forgot to write it down and now it's another errand on my list. How many of you have thought you've checked all the blocks, had all the necessary paperwork to include most of the contents of your entire file cabinet just to be safe and was so on top of things it's scary? Well so did I. No big deal, I thought. I'll go and get this TB test done and then, finally we will be all set.

I'm not sure anyone outside of the military life understands the hoops and hurdles that must be gone through in order to start your child at a new school. Every single state is different. Every single county is different. Every single school is different. It's really hard to keep up. With every change of residence it's like starting them in kindergarten all over again. Remember that?

So, anyway, that's the least of my issues considering I've done it about a thousand times and I've come to terms with it and have accepted this life and will endure the process. What I have issue with was the simple task of getting my child an appointment just to have this done. The military health care system is overloaded and understaffed therefore when calling the necessary number given to my soldier to give to me before deploying (supposedly a sure) thing I think I was transferred about 4 times. No lie. I was transferred, in my opinion, because everyone would rather pass you off to someone else instead of trying to help you because they are overloaded and day in and day out they tend to become tired of us simple Moms wanting annoying shots and tests like Soccer needs. God help me if any of the children get really sick.

I finally reach someone in the pediatric office to which Soccer is assigned and praise the Lord, I actually spoke to a nurse who was sympathetic, kind and did everything she could to point me in the right direction. She was my angel amongst chaos. Unfortunately, the nightmare doesn't end there.

Turns out I didn't need an appointment, I had to go to a different building up in the mountains somewhere and once there, find the immunization clinic. Ok, no problem, I have a GPS -the baby is at daycare and I can concentrate on finding the place. Found it.....wrong freakin' building....AGAIN! Before having a temper tantrum, the sort of disgruntled lady at the lab said there was a trailer somewhere outside and that's where I needed to go.

Me: "Can you tell me where the trailer is?"

Jackass behind the counter: "I really don't know, but I know it's out there".

Ummm, I'm dead serious. Scary, right?

Here we go again and I'm just trying to be thankful that T-Monkey isn't with us and whining, the boys are old enough to not throw a gigantic fit because they are hungry and after all, I could use the extra steps of exercise.

I found the trailer. Right outside and to left of the hospital. The donkey woman doesn't see it everyday as she goes to work and knows she has to direct thousands of misdirected people everyday? Oy.

Anyway, I go in and think "everything is ok now, we've made it, I have records and both sets of ID and a note from Mom. This should be a breeze now." Wrong. Let me tell you this is where I almost got arrested. Keep in mind we are Army dependents using an Air Force Base. I didn't think it was a big deal but apparently the idiot AF specialist behind the counter did.

Me: "I need a TB test for my son, please."

Her: "Do you have his shot records?"

Me: "I don't have the yellow booklet thingy that used to be used but I do have his records and all of his shots are documented in there"

Her: "Well, that's not going to do me any good because how will I record it?"

Me: "At our last post, they didn't record in the yellow books, they printed out a sheet and stuck in his medical records."

Her: " Are you Army?" (not in a nice tone or way either)

Me: "yes."

Her: " We don't SPEAK to the Army"

Pause: Ok, am I in the twilight zone? Is this really happening? Am I having this conversation while I'm awake? Who the heck are you to tell me you don't speak to the Army? Ok- taking a deep breath now and calming down because it's all going to be ok and I don't want to be handcuffed in front of my sons for reaching behind that counter and grabbing that smart-ass by the collar and asking for her commander.

Me: "Well, do you have a print out that looks just like the one I have here in my hand that I, myself, will be capable of adding to his records?"

Her: "Well, yeah."

Me: "Can he have the test then because if one more person reroutes me and tells me that I don't have the necessary documents, I might have to start asking for supervisors and commanders and then it can all go down hill from there."

Her: "Yes, I never said he couldn't have the test. Bring him on back."

Ok, I want to cause her bodily harm. Keep in mind that I really try to keep a smile on my face, say excuse me in public, say thank you when someone holds the door open for me and even go out of my way to help someone if I see a situation that warrants it no matter what kind of time line I'm on. It's the way I was brought up. I feel that this earth needs people to be kind to one another and not be in such a hurry and give each other a happy face once in awhile just for good measure. You never know, it could make someone's day.

Today, there was just so much that I could take and I really believe these people were giving me a hard time because we're Army. Excuse me, aren't we all on the same side? Don't we need all of the services to work together during war time, etc.? So what the hell makes the difference if I'm Army or Navy or blue or whatever? No offense to Air Force spouses out there. I know you, in particular, are not the ones behind the desk. I hope and pray that our Army system treats the other services with respect and kindness regardless of who you play for. And if any of you have experienced what I have within the Army system, I apologize profusely on their behalf. In my opinion, it's completely unacceptable.


deb8able said...

Unbelievable! I cannot imagine having to go through what I went through with both of my girls to start Kindergarten over and over again - you're a brave woman :) Glad it's taken care of and now Soccer can, well, plan soccer - hopefully!!

Laura Marchant said...

That is crazy. I can't believe you were treated like that.

Bloggin' Mama said...

I'm assuming all this happened at the Academy? Because at Peterson (remember, we're USAF) they just pull up and print out shot records just like you described. I never even received a yellow book for my second because they don't do it that way anymore..... I do completely understand how utterly frustrating it is to get an appointment of ANY KIND, not just for the kids on a military installation. We also have come across recently that Evans Hospital on Ft. Carson did not renew their contract with the AF in allowing the AF to schedule same day appts. at Evans when there are no same day appts available at our base..... Have you set up tricareonline access for each of your kids? I find this saves me tons of time on the phone because they open up same day appts. the night before and you can just log in and pick one that's avail. for your child, but of course this only helps if they actually get sick the night before..... doesn't do any good if they aren't sick until morning - you still have to wait until 7:30 and make the dreaded phone call.

I'm sorry you had such a rough time.

Christy M. said...

I think you had every right to be angry. That's just crazy. I'm sorry that our military personnel and their families don't get better medical service than that. They certainly deserve the best care as far as I'm concerned.

Good luck with all the school registrations and orientations. You need to post about what you're going back to school for. You've mentioned it here on your blog, but I don't think you've gone into any detail.

SMFD - you know who coined that phrase!! You should be proud of your lil' SIL!! You'd think she was married to a sailor ;)

Michelle said...

Do you have climb back up the literal (and figurative) mountain to get it read in a few days?? How crazy!!

Lynette3boys said...

Some people are just morons. You dealt with it very well - couldn't say I'd do the same.

sscrunner said...

Hope you are having a better day today. You are a trooper!!!

Tammy said...

'We don't speak to the Army?" hmm well maybe this person would like to walk the streets of Baghdad for the Army instead.
You are one graceful lady for handling it so well.

Kirsten said...

I'd say that surprises me, but we were just the opposite of you - Air Force on Army posts, and no one realy knew what to do with us.

On a side note we just got back from vacation and while there, on 2 different days, I saw 2 double rainbows and thought of you and your family.

Mamalang said...

My hubby is army, and we live in an Air Force town. His army unit ws deployed to that base for 2 years. We saw this a lot the first year. Now, the Army soldiers are known and accepted, but it wasn't that way for a long time. I'm also happy that I am friends with the civilian that runs the lab there, so she takes good care of us for blood work.

I also am blessed that my job offers very low cost but good health insurance for my kids and I. I pay that premium every month, knowing that it means I don't have to deal with the crappy military health care system. The really crappy part is that if I lived 10 miles down the road, I would be able to use my Tricare outside the base.

I'm glad you were at least able to get his shots.