5 Minutes For Mom is having a photo contest for your favorite all time summer fun photo and the winner will win $500. Do you know what I could do with $500? A whole lot considering I'm about to start daycare for T-Monkey and two boys that need school clothes and, well the list goes on and on! Here's my submission:
This is a photo taken at the beginning of summer in Branson, Missouri. This is our soldier with his baby girl enjoying one of her all time favorite animals. She kept 'moo-ing' as we would pass cows on the way home so Daddy stopped the car and took her to see one up close. It will be one of my all time favorite summer time photos for many years to come. What a great memory!
Darling pic! It even looks like a baby cow!!!
Awww! Too cute!
That is such a cute pic.
I entered one too but this pulls at my heart strings to imagine hearing her moo-ing!
Love that picture. So sweet!!
Glad you're back to blogging!!
What a great memory of her childhood and a beautiful picture to go with it. Good luck! Kim
Cute, Cute Cute!!!!!!!!
This makes me want to go back to Iowa (i used to live there)! Great photo!
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