Saturday, July 19, 2008

His Shirt

I was going through, sorting laundry and I found the T-shirt my soldier was wearing the night before he left. It smells so good, so much like him- even if he did work all day in it. There's even a mascara mark on it from when he held me and let me 'cry it out'- if you remember in my story. I'm not in the fetal position or anything but I have to say that I suddenly think I have a weird attachment to this shirt.

I finally broke down today and washed our sheets because, well, after 8 months I don't think they would smell or feel pretty anymore! The question is, do I wash this T-shirt or do I just keep it handy to sniff a time or two when I need something to help me feel close to him? I have a set of dog tags that I made way back when he left on his first deployment and I usually wear them for the duration until he comes home. That helps, you know, it's a physical symbol that I can touch. It prompts some people to ask me about them,which is ok, because it gives me an outlet to brag about him, which I could do all day.

So, if you were in my wash or not to wash?


Kirsten said...

I would so not wash that shirt! When my DH first left for basic, I was 21, just married, and I missed him so much. Because of the nature of basic, I got letters, but there was no time for anything else. So, when he hit his tech school, after a few days of working out in this shirt (oh my it stunk), he mailed it to me, and I slept with that thing until it no longer smelled like him - and then I made him send me another! That smell, sometimes it's all that gets you to sleep at night.

Bloggin' Mama said...

DON'T wash it!! When my hubby was deployed last time, he left me a shirt he'd worn (and took one of mine with him) and I didn't wash it the entire time he was gone. It smelled like him and if I couldn't have the real thing, at least having his smell near me, helped quite a bit.

I'll have to remember to have him leave a worn shirt (or maybe 4 - one for me and one for each of the kids - maybe to sleep with or something) when he deploys again in December.

Tracy said...

I wouldn't wash it either..I slept with my husbands army sweatshirt the entire time he was deployed (and sometimes even wore it) It helped.
Keeping your husband in our prayers as well as your family during the deployment.
Army wife-Tracy

Anonymous said...

Don't wash it. That will be something you'll hold on to the entire 8 months and you will very much regret it if you wash it. I'm not a military wife but my husband does tend to travel a lot and nothing is more comforting when I can't get to sleep without him than a shirt with his cologne/smell on it. (((hugs)))

debi said...

Oh hell no, don't wash it. It would be under my pillow.It must be both sad and wonderful to make these kinds of finds. I don't know you but I know you aren't washing that shirt now are you?

deb8able said...

I would not wash it! It's nice to have something physical to hold on to. Kepp it, smell it, wear it, just hold it until he comes home!

sara h. said...

ooohhhh no. Don't wash it. I don''t think a day is ever going to come when you think "Man, I shoulda washed that" but if you do wash it you can bet there'll be days when you wish you hadn't.

I'd take it a step further and put it around a pillow and sleep with it at night. ;)

Lisa B @ simply His said...

I'm with the don't wash crowd :) I've never had to deal with this, but I imagine if I did, I definitely wouldn't wash it. I'd probably either be sleeping in it every night until it smelled like me instead of him -- or just wrapping it around a pillow or something for me to smell.

Not that you are feeling weird, but don't feel weird about not washing it -- we all give you permission to keep it as is :)

stephanie s. said...

Do NOT wash it! I did the same thing when my hubby was deployed. It was nice to have his smell when i was hormonal and sad...or happy ;) also this sounds weird but i put it in a ziploc so it would smell like him let us know what you decide!

D... said...

Nope, don't wash it!

Mom23Boys said...

DO NOT WASH THE SHIRT! I would use it to feel closer to my hubby too.

Pam said...



Sunshine said...

I vote with the majority!

Michelle said...

I think right now you should leave it as it is. If the smell of that shirt gives you even a little bit of comfort, hang on to it!

BTW...I noticed in your profile that you have Grease! (I always put a "!" at the end of it!) listed under your favorite movies. You are awesome!!

Andrea said...

Hmmmm...I wish I would have thought of that! My DH left for a one year remote tour several years ago. I was raising four dear kiddos, and had just found out about a surprise 5th. Crazy! I really could have used a comfort item at that time.

Hang in there! Take care of yourself. Please accept help from friends.

I don't know how I survived that year, but I do know that I am now amazed at my stamina. I am a much stronger person than I ever thought I could be.


JackeeG4glamorous said...

Personally, I'd wanna smell at whenever possible, so Don't Wash It.
My daughter's husband is also deployed. 3rd time, and he'll be there 18 months. She's been alone in Colorado for the passed 3 years, and now, she's coming home. This week in fact. Know that I pray for the safety of All our soldiers every day. God Bless.

Mamalang said...

When y hubby was gone for several weeks, I didn't wash it. I've already been contemplating how long of a turn around it will be to have him mail one home every once in a while when he deploys. I'll mail them back clean at least :)

Hall Family in MD said...

I wouldn't wash it and I would wear it to bed on occasion =)

*Lissa* said...

I would DEFINITELY not wash it.

Amy said...

Don't wash it!