Tuesday, July 22, 2008

First Stop on the Trip

Update: I did fix the GFCI!! I am so proud and all before leaving for Grandma's house.
Girl power, baby.
Anyway, we made the first leg of a 16 hour trip to my soldier's oldest sister's house in Nebraska. We arrived just in time for a wonderful dinner and relaxing evening. T-monkey took over the house and had so much fun that I forgot it was so late and just put her to bed 30 minutes ago! Football and Soccer were awesome and helpful and despite stopping for lunch at the most disgusting Wendy's on the face of the earth, we still managed to hang in there and have a few laughs. I'll try to send pictures once we make it to our final destination.
It's so good to be with family. My husband's family is wonderful and I am so blessed to have them. I think this trip is exactly what we needed to feel even closer to our soldier and to take our minds off the constant thoughts of him being absent in the home. I feel so loved and cared for and I can't tell you how much that is needed right now. They are all truly remarkable.
So I may or may not be able to write daily but I sure will try. Thanks for all of your encouraging words and for the tips on the electrical issues. Obviously, it helped!!


Pam said...

Good for you!! Feeling blessed this morning here too!


Crooked Eyebrow said...

Girl power indeed.

Have a safe trip and many more laughs!

Kirsten said...

Enjoy the family surrounding you with love. That's what they are there for. Hope the rest of your trip continues to go well.

Kim said...

Have a great trip, and I hope you find yourself refreshed when it is over.

Beth at I Should Be Folding Laundry said...

Wow, you're even blogging on the road. You have hit the big time, girl!

We can't wait to see you and we love you, too. How can we not, you're so itty bitty and cute! When you get here, will you play barbies with Ariel? I haven't unpacked her barbies yet and she needs one. You're a perfect fit.

I'm just sayin', yo. What?!?! She has a plastic bed for you to sleep on! geeze.

Anonymous said...

Drive safe! You are adventurous taking such a long car trip!

Anonymous said...

16 hours. Holy moly that is a long trip. I hope the other half of the trip goes well and you have fun!