Thursday, July 17, 2008

I Am In Awe

I am so inspired! I have to thank all of you for writing and showing support and just sending positive thoughts and prayers my way. I am stunned at the support I have received and I don't know any of you except for my precious SIL Beth. BTW, kudos to her for helping me get started, designing my blog- which I absolutely love - and sending you all over to show me support. Is there anything that little girl can't do?
I also have to send kudos and much thanks to Crooked Eyebrow whom I have never met but is close to Beth and has shown me support like my own family would. Thanks so much!
I have to say I am so incredibly encouraged after reading the comments. I am almost addicted to them! Football asked me if I was ever going to get off of the computer tonight so we could go and run some plays later! Pace yourself, right?
I'm not kidding when I say my mood has dramatically improved since reading your comments. I feel strong again. I was beginning to fade a little after trying to clean the house with a toddler stuck to my leg all the while checking e-mail every 10 minutes to see if he had written yet, taking all three to the commissary...hungry, and catching Soccer peeing on the rocks in the back yard in broad daylight. I am now refreshed and ready to do it all over again tomorrow.....I think.
Anyway, what wonderful women you all are to show such great support and love to a perfect stranger. And to all of you Military wives out there, I got your back just as much as you have mine.
Much Love and Appreciation,


Moriah @ Please Pass the Salt said...

Here from Beth's! My dad was in the AF and drug us around the world. :)

I wouldn't have had it any other way.

Crooked Eyebrow said...

You are more than welcome.
I'm very happy to hear you feel uplifted. Take it all in and let it carry you a bit each day.

Boys peeing in the yard? You mean you are supposed to let them in to pee? Damn....

( I kid, I kid, ah the joy of being a mommy)

AnnG said...

I'm here from Beth's and I cried so hard while reading your post that you wrote over there I couldn't even post a comment. Gad to put you on my favorites so I can pray for you. Keep your head UP!!

Beth at I Should Be Folding Laundry said...

I freakin' love that my son was peeing on the rocks in the backyard. LOVE. IT. You may not, which is understandable, but still, he's my son.

Teresa, the people who read my blog have brought me so much strength since losing James & Jake, they are a true gift, one that I am so grateful for, one that you are now receiving. It's truly beautiful.

Julie said...

Hi Teresa - I enjoyed your blog and love your header or banner or whatever the blog design is called. I am a military wife too! =)

Unknown said...

Yay for you starting a blog! I think it will be a wonderful outlet for you (it already is!) Sounds like you and the kids are doing pretty well. Hang in there and know that we are prayin' for you and your man!

Christy M. said...

Teresa! Hi I'm the better half of ruby & roja design! I tried to comment earlier, but I kept getting an error. Maybe it was because so many other people were trying to leave comments at the same time?!

Anyway, I'm SO glad you started this blog, and I'm so looking forward to checking in with you everyday!

There are so many amazing people in the blog world, and I have no doubt they'll help make the wait a little more bearable.

Bloggin' Mama said...

I let my 4 yr. old pee in the yard one day a few weeks ago (because he was soaking wet and I didn't want him running thru the kitchen...) and now, he thinks he needs to pee out there whenever he happens to have the urge while he's outside. And my 2 year old thinks he needs to follow suit - even though that just results in a naked 2 year old who would NEVER dream of peeing anywhere but in a diaper....

Mimi's Toes said...

Congrats on your new blog! I was praying on my way home from work last night while driving, lifting up our service men and women and your husband was included. Just know that you have a lot of people supporting you in thoughts and prayers. Stay strong and it's ok to let them pee outside...dogs do it...just don't let them pee on the neighbors flowers...

Shannon said...

Welcome to world of blogging

Michelle said...

Hi There, I am a navy wife myself. my husband just finished 6 years of sea duty, 3 deployments totaling him being gone for 19 months and that doesnt count the underways. Now he is a navy recruiter and I miss sea duty sometimes, he is never home. Seems awkward I know considering atleast hes home everynight but not until almost 11pm each night and I am already in bed. You are in my thoughts, you are strong and us military wives are boundless in the things we can do. Much love ~ Michelle

Tina said...

It is amazing the love and community that you can find in this blogging world! I am so glad that it has lifted your spirits! Gives you something else to do on the computer while you wait for those messages from the hubby to come in!

Amy Plumb said...

My family use to say the same thing to me all the time - when are you getting off the computer???

Keep posting, love the blog!

Lisa B @ simply His said...

I've been accused of having an affair with my laptop. Eventually your kids will get used to the computer being attached to you -- or you being attached to the computer!

Welcome to the bloggy world :) Congratulations on the wonderful design! I pray you find a great support group of gals around here. I've been praying for Beth and will gladly throw you and your family into the mix as well :)

And I wish I could just pee on some rocks ... that would be helpful more times than you know ;)

deb8able said...

I'm so happy you started a blog. Hopefully we can get an address for your husband as my girls would love to send him a package!

Unknown said...

Here from Beth's also. You've already been added to my bookmarks!! Have a great day!

Mary Craig said...

Welcome to blogland! I came here from Beth's. I wish you the best as you get adjusted to this new phase. I can't imagine how you do it, but you've got lots of people sending prayers your way!

Sharon - Mom Generations said...

This is a message to you and to your beautiful little girl, from a girl who was there...

My dad was out-to-sea when I was born. He first saw me when I was 3 weeks old. I have photos of my dad holding me in his arms when he returned for a very short visit while my mom, my older brother and I stayed with my dad's mother on her farm in Michigan. I cherish these photos of the young sailor and the baby who would become his only little girl. We traveled around the country with my dad... wherever he was stationed. We spent a few years in San Diego, which was lovely, but meant that he was gone for long periods of time. I know I have told Beth this... but it is always the coming home that I remember so vividly. The long, large, tight hugs. The kisses. The huge breakfasts made by Daddy. The homemade backyard charcoal grill. If I close my eyes, I can smell the burgers now. I can hear my dad calling me "Sis." That was my nickname from him and him only. I can feel the wool of his uniform and see the shine of the buttons.

What I have are the most precious memories... memories that make me smile and laugh and yes, sometimes cry. But I do know one thing for certain, and that is that a man who loves his daughter creates time and space that nothing will ever penetrate... even if the time and space is sometimes too difficult to almost imagine.

I can see by your words that your husband is this man... for both your daughter and your sons.

That is a great blessing.

Anissa Mayhew said...

I'm so glad you started your own blog. I hope that it helps you to stay focused and gives you some support through it all. I found our blog to be terribly therapeutic when life seemed at its worst.

Prayers for your family,

anymommy said...

I've read Beth for a while now and I read and loved your post there. I'm so happy that you started a blog and that you're finding the support that you need! Careful now, it's addictive, if you're like me you'll find yourself guiltily realizing that perhaps you should play with your kids for a while ;-)

I am in awe of families like yours. Thank you all for your service and sacrifice.